Monday, November 29, 1999

Packing your child`s lunchbox

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With increasing pressures of time on the working mother, lunch box quality seems to be undergoing drastic changes. Right from chips, cookies, biscuits, sweets, bread n jam and other junk food to chocolates and candy and even empty tiffin boxes at times. Ironically, this corresponds to a time when health awareness is at an all time high and burden of adult diseases in childhood like obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances are growing at alarming rates.Lunch at school is undoubtedly an important meal and many children eat most of their food away from home. According to recommendations, lunch box should supply one-fourth to one-third of daily nutrient intake. Lunchtime also plays an important role in shaping a child`s eating habits and socialisation process. An important goal is to develop children`s basic attitude towards food and nutrition which will enable them to make proper nutritional decisions independently While several schools provide meals, parents often need to send enough food for the entire day. Important nutrients include protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. The most serious nutritional deficiencies among teenagers are calcium and iron. Calcium shortage is rooted in the substitution of milk by soft drinks; iron shortage is due to increased demand for blood and tissue formation and onset of menstruation in girls along with poor food choices.Although, data from the Indian schools is not available, studies in the UK schools have shown that less than one per cent of primary kids lunch boxes meet nutritional standards. The nutrient standards that were missed most frequently were sugar and sodium. Another study indicated that 60 per cent of the lunches included three or less food groups and 81 per cent included low-nutrient foods. A recent study reported concern regarding excessive amounts of energy dense foods in school lunch boxes.View All123Next >
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